If life is at risk, dial 999 immediately
The first priority is keeping yourself and your family safe
Floodwater may be contaminated, especially by untreated sewage. Contamination remains after the floodwater has gone and can be hazardous.
Wear rubber boots and gloves in and around the affected property. Wash and treat all cuts and cover with waterproof plasters. If you receive a puncture wound while in contact with flood water or during the recovery, you should see a doctor to determine whether a tetanus booster is necessary.
Do not approach any structure that may be unsafe.
Stay well away from any fast-flowing water or deep-standing water!
If you enter swiftly flowing water, you risk drowning, regardless of your ability to swim.
Shallow standing water can be dangerous for small children.
Do not walk in floodwaters - you may step into a hole or onto a sharp object.
Do not drive through flood water - the majority of fatalities in flash flooding occur when vehicles are driven into hazardous flood water.
Always follow the advice of the emergency services.